Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Waking up today I realize that this is it! The day I have committed to starting a diet that suggests you can loose 18 pounds in 4 days. Sounds ridiculous but thinking I can do anything for 4 days I embark on this adventure. Searching for a quick way to dump start a weight loss program to stay motivated I came across this plan. Admittedly the site and plan look rather unprofessional but I decided it was simple enough to try.

Simple is the key word, having 5 year old twins, 3 dogs and a Bearded Dragon plus being the owner of three retail stores time is of the essence!

The day started off as they usually do, rising to find the reason we had a lack of space and found our legs paralyzed last night was that a little guy named Jake and two dogs stuck into our bed in the middle night. Then it struck me that I was in trouble, I had committed my self to this crazy plan and even prepared by shopping the the unusual ingredients. It seemed as though I would be very dependant upon things like tomato juice, grapefruit, celery, squash, eggs and prune juice?

So having indulged in breakfast.....1/2 a grapefruit and a cup of coffee I fear my children will not make it through these long 4 days! Ahh but I have lunch to look forward to, a couple of hard boiled eggs and about a cup of vegetables.

Here comes the fun!!!

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